Sparrovale wetland
Merri Creek @Ceres East Brunswick
Bullock Creek: Upper Spring Ck Landcare, B10
Bullock Creek, Upper Spring Ck Landcare, B6
Bullock Creek: Upper Spring Ck Landcare, B3
Foster Creek, Corner of Whitelaw Rd & Bena Rd
Foster Creek, Kongwak
Edgars Creek, upstream of Edwardes Lake, next to Reservoir S...
P4, Edwardes Lake, near outlet for Low-flow wetland, downstr...
P6 - East bank of Edwardes Lakes, below athletics track, dir...
P7 Brick Jetty on Eastern side of Edwardes Lake, near athlet...
P5 West side of Edwardes Lakes, end of Emma Avenue, Near Wes...
P3 Edwardes Lake Northern section, Reservoir - downstream of...
Edgars Creek at Ameily Cres footbridge, Reservoir
P1 Merrilands Drain into Edgars Creek, east of Edgars wetlan...
P8- Weir at Southern end of Edwardes Lakes, near Edwardes St...
Patterson River at Bangholme West of Freeway
Lake King (Murray St)
Kings Billabong (Near Bridge)
Kings Billabong (Regulator)
Kings Billabong (Levee)
Site E (previously site 5)
Site C (7th Tee) Sandilong Creek
Site B (previously site 3)
Upper Stony Creek - upstream of capital works
Point Richards Main Wetland