Site visit details


Catchment Yarra River
Site Nerreman Wetland @ Eltham ME_YDI833
Date and Time Sunday 6th December 2015 09:30am
Approved Approved


Physical Chemical Tests

Ammon-Nit mg/L NH3-N N mg/L NH4+ D.O mg/L EC µS/cm FrP mg/L P Nitrate-Nit mg/L N pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C Turb NTU
Sample 3.5 20 19 30
Weather overcast
Last rainfall During the last week 1.5
Flow estimate LOW: Minimum flow in channel/continuous flow in some part of channel (in-stream habitats connected)
Water Appearance Muddy,Smelly,Foamy/frothy,Other: fine debris on surface.
Stream depth 0 - 50cm
Stream width 2m - 5m
Litter/Pollutants bottles,cans,packets,plastic,polystyrene,other
There were 2 piles of concrete each about one square meter, left on the bank of the creek (nearly opposite Nerreman Gateway/Coolabindi Chase intersection.) There were lots of polystyrene balls and a large plastic bottle in the pit drain. There was a smell of rotting vegetation. The weed Montbretia is flowering and spreading downstream. The foam was below the dam wall.

Creatures Waterwatch method

Image Species Score Quantity
Flatworms (Turbellaria) 3 15
Freshwater Snails (Gastropoda) Freshwater Snails (Gastropoda) 3 6
Leeches (Hirudinea) Leeches (Hirudinea) 3 7
True Bugs - Backswimmers, Water-boatmen, Water-striders (Hemiptera) True Bugs - Backswimmers, Water-boatmen, Water-striders (Hemiptera) 4 4
Fly Larvae -True, Black, Crane, March, Horse, and Soldier Fly Larvae (Diptera) Fly Larvae -True, Black, Crane, March, Horse, and Soldier Fly Larvae (Diptera) 2 2
Mosquito Larvae (Diptera) Mosquito Larvae (Diptera) 2 2
Non Biting Midge Larvae - Bloodworms (Diptera) Non Biting Midge Larvae - Bloodworms (Diptera) 1 10
Segmented Worm (Oligochaeta) Segmented Worm (Oligochaeta) 1 50
Total bug score
Total abundance 0 - 35 35+
0 - 200 Poor Good
200+ Fair Very good
Total abundance: 96 Total score: 18 Overall rating: Poor

Diary photos

No diary entries recorded for this visit

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