Site visit details


Catchment Campaspe River
Site Myrtle Creek at the Bendigo-Sutton Grange Road bridge NC_MYR250
Date and Time Tuesday 31st March 2020 18:30pm
Approved Approved


Physical Chemical Tests

EC µS/cm pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C Turb NTU
Sample 21
Weather sunny
Last rainfall
Flow estimate DRY: No continuous flow in channel and no pools
Water Appearance
Stream depth
Stream width

I am very concerned because someone has dug a large hole and installed a pump upstream of my testing site on Myrtle Creek. I question if this is legal? Perhaps it is no coincidence that I have had no water to test for a very long time?

This person has also been chainsawing fallen trees and taking the wood from the Myrtle Creek Reserve.

There is evidence a horse has been grazing in this area also, there is horse tape erected and heavily grazed ground. See photos attached.

I would like to see someone in authority investigate this, it seems very wrong.

Diary photos

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