Site visit details


Catchment Yarra River
Site Edgars Creek at the Waterfall, Ronald St, Coburg ME_YED030
Date and Time Sunday 7th October 2018 09:00am
Approved Approved


Physical Chemical Tests

N mg/L NH4+ D.O. % D.O mg/L EC µS/cm pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C Turb NTU
Sample 0.08 71.1498 7 1050 8.7 0.03 23.3 16 9
Weather sunny
Last rainfall
Flow estimate LOW: Minimum flow in channel/continuous flow in some part of channel (in-stream habitats connected)
Water Appearance Clear
Stream depth
Stream width

Creatures Agreed Level Taxonomy Method

Image Species Score Quantity
a. Family Hydropsychidae (net spinning caddis) a. Family Hydropsychidae (net spinning caddis) 6 15
a. Family Psephenidae, Genus Sclerocyphon (water pennies) a. Family Psephenidae, Genus Sclerocyphon (water pennies) 6 1
b. Family Ecnomidae, Genus Ecnomus (bandit caddis) 4 2
c. Family Atyidae (glass shrimp) 4 15
c. Family Veliidae/ Family Mesoveliidae/ Family Hebridae (water treaders) 3 10
e. Family Chironomidae, several genera (blood worms) 1 2
e. Family Lestidae and Family Coenagrionidae (Damselfly nymph) 2 30
f. Corduliid / libellulid like dragonflies - various families (spider mud eye) 5 1
g. Family Chironomidae (chironomids - True Fly larvae) 3 21
g. Family Physidae, Species Physa acuta (snail) 1 15
i. Family Notonectidae , Genus Anisops (slender backswimmers) 1 1
k. Family Dytiscidae, various genera (mixed diving beetles) 1 1
l. Family Dytiscidae, (swimming water tigers) l. Family Dytiscidae, (swimming water tigers) 2 6
q. Family Leptoceridae, Genus Triplectides (stick caddis) 4 3
ALT Signal Score 3.43
Weighted ALT Signal Score 3.06

Diary photos

No diary entries recorded for this visit

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