Site visit details


Catchment Upper Murray River
Site Thowgla Creek (Sacred Heart PS) NE_THO060
Date and Time Friday 29th September 2006 00:00am
Approved Approved


Physical Chemical Tests


The land either side of the site has been cleaered and is used for grazing. There is a narrow corridor of veg on either side of the creek making access a little difficult. Alot of silver wattles present at the site as well as a few willows and some native veg around the banks. A good cover of instream habitat and a few riffles and bends. Due to heavy grazing there is only limited verge veg and most of the surrounding land has been cleared.
Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation Overall
Poor 2 Good 8 Poor 4 Fair 3 Fair 6 Fair 23

Diary photos

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